30 Day Ab Challenge: The Knee Tuck

Strengthen your core and improve your fitness with this 30 day knee tuck challenge

Over the course of our 30-Day Ab Challenge, we take an in-depth look at each of the exercises used, and this week we delve into knee tucks.

Here’s how it works: Three exercises over 30 days, and we up the intensity each day. Simple.

Think again!

Our 30 Day Ab Challenge is a great way to jumpstart that summer body training! If you have summer on your mind or you’re just looking for a new challenge, join in and challenge yourself to three different exercises—the crunch, the plank, and the knee tuck.

Today, we give you the most vital advice for knee tucks. Alright, let’s get to it!

Knee Tuck

  1. Balance yourself on ball, find stability, and then roll the ball forward with your feet as you tuck your knees into your chest
  2. Keep your entire core tight to stay stable throughout the movement. To avoid wrist pain, spread your weight evenly throughout all fingers and palm

By the end of the challenge, your core will be stronger, your performance at the gym will enhanced, and your confidence will be boosted. Remember to track how you improve with each exercise, how you look, and how you feel. You’ll be surprised with the results!

Download the 30-day free workout schedule here.

Source: https://www.dynaprodirect.com/30-day-knee-tuck-challenge/

30 Day Ab Challenge: The Plank

Try the 30 day plank challenge for strong and toned abs

Over the course of our 30-Day Ab Challenge, we are zeroing in on each of the exercises used, and this week we focus on the plank.

Here’s how it works: Three exercises over 30 days, and we up the intensity each day. Simple.

Think again!

Our 30 Day Ab Challenge is a great way to jumpstart that summer body training! If you have summer on your mind or you’re just looking for a new challenge, join in and challenge yourself to three different exercises—the crunch, the plank, and the knee tuck.

Today, it’s all about plank advice. Do the stated reps and hold time, adjust as needed and work your way up! Now, let’s get started…

The Plank

  1. There are two different ways to do a plank on the exercise ball: Put your feet on the ball and hands on the ground, or have your elbows on the ball with your feet on the ground
  2. Keep your whole core tight on this one
  3. Use your back muscles, glute muscles, and abs to keep your body in a straight line
  4. Don’t stick that booty too far up in the air or let it sag

Download the 30-day free workout schedule here.

Source: https://www.dynaprodirect.com/30-day-plank-challenge/

30 Day Ab Challenge: The Crunch

Get super strong abs with a 30 day crunch challenge

Over the next three weeks, we’ll zero in on each exercise used in the 30-Day Ab Challenge exercises. Today: The Crunch.

Here’s how it works: Three exercises over 30 days, and we up the intensity each day. Simple.

Think again!

If you’re looking for a new challenge or have summer on your mind, it’s time to kick it up a notch. It’s never too early to get started and this 30 Day Ab Challenge is a great way to kick-start that summer body training!

You’re going to challenge yourself to three different exercises—the crunch, the plank, and the knee tuck.

Today, we begin with tips for the crunch. Do the stated reps and hold time, adjust as needed and work your way up! Here we go…

The Crunch

  1. Keep your feet flat on the ground, lean back over the ball, and keep core tight to pull yourself up
  2. Find a position on the ball that works best for you to stay balanced and have the largest range of motion
  3. Remember to breathe!

Download the 30-day free workout schedule here.

Source: https://www.dynaprodirect.com/30-day-crunch-challenge/

Catch Some Inspo: Fitness Guru Katie Austin Is Obsessed With Fun Workouts

Interview with Katie Austin to make workouts more fun

Spice up your workout routine to get better results, faster. Here’s how!

On a daily basis, Katie Austin motivates thousands of followers to have fun while working out through her social media platforms, like Instagram and YouTube. In an exclusive interview with DynaPro Direct, Austin shares her secrets to a perfect workout routine, tells us what her diet consists of, and shows us how to have a blast getting fit. Plus, she shows us what some of her favorite fitness moves are!

DynaPro Direct: At what point in your life did you decide you wanted to turn your love for fitness into a career?

Katie Austin: I’ve always been into fitness and health ever since I can remember, as my mom, Denise Austin, was in the industry. She had her own TV show, books, and DVDs. But, it wasn’t until my junior year of college, right after I stopped playing division one athletics at University of Southern California, that I realized what I wanted to pursue. Because I studied TV production, I started a segment on USC’s college station, where every Wednesday I would give a fit tip or show a workout. Both my love for fitness and TV came together, and from there it became my passion.

DD: What’s the importance of having fun during workout sessions?

KA: UMM, ALL THE IMPORTANCE! In my opinion, if you’re having fun during a workout, you forget you’re even working out! When a workout is fun, it’s more sustainable because it isn’t as dreadful. That’s also why I love working out with a buddy so much, because friends help keep you entertained!

DD: What’s your go-to recipe?

KA: All my go-to recipes are super simple! If it’s not simple, OR tasty, it won’t be realistic. My go-to meal would be quinoa, chicken, a veggie, and an avocado. And honestly, it all depends what I have in the fridge! I love making trays of different veggies and protein. For example, I’ll set my oven to around 350 degrees, lay out a cookie tray of veggies and chicken, sprinkle with garlic, salt and pepper, and bake until it’s ready! It always turns out delicious!

Transform your workout routine with Katie’s fitness packageDD: Can you talk a little bit about your Katie Austin Box with DynaPro Direct? What was your favorite part about creating or launching the workouts and box?

KA: My collab equipment box with DynaPro was SO awesome for me in many ways. I love giving my girls something they can physically use in their homes, on the go, and just about anywhere.

It makes a workout more convenient and easy, as there is not just one piece of equipment in the box, but FOUR. AKA, there are endless workouts you can do with all these pieces.

Jump rope workout with Katie AustinDD: What’s your favorite move with a jump rope?

KA: My favorite move is a one-leg jump rope! You really feel the burn because you’re just focusing on one leg at a time. It also burns the calves!

DD: What’s your favorite way to use resistance bands and mini resistance bands?

KA: ANYTHING booty related. Using the bands makes butt and leg workouts so much more challenging, and you can definitely see results quicker.

DD: What’s your favorite way to work out with an exercise ball?

KA:A pike, for sure. Best ab move.

DD: What’s one of your favorite quotes, or something you say during your workout classes to help motivate everyone?

KA: “It’ll all be worth it, you will thank yourself later.”

During the workout, you can get very discouraged. Sometimes a workout can be so hard you may feel like giving up. I’ve even said to myself many times, “Ugh what’s five more reps? It won’t matter.” “Oh what’s one more set going to do?” But, it’s so important to tell myself and others it will all add up and be worth it. It’s inspiring to know that the workout you are completing is important for reaching your goals.

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Source: https://www.dynaprodirect.com/katie-austin-tips-to-make-workouts-fun/

Diary of a Fit Mommy’s Sia Cooper on Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle No Matter What

interview-with-sia-cooperThe Florida-based personal trainer discusses how to stay motivated through motherhood.

Calling all super moms and super moms-to-be! Sia Cooper—a certified personal trainer who specializes in nutrition and women’s fitness, and the face of Diary of a Fit Mommy—dishes on why it’s important to embrace a healthy lifestyle and how to regain gym motivation.

We get it, mom-life is tiring, but Sia, a mom of two, knows exactly how to fight the fatigue and make healthy happen. After eating poorly, gaining weight and constantly being sick in college, she knew it was time for a change. She turned to clean eating and started a blog to keep herself accountable and share with others what worked in her new lifestyle. She dropped the extra weight and continued blogging throughout her first and second pregnancy. Today, Sia continues to inspire others daily with her workout tips and guides. But she isn’t doing it alone—she has two adorable workout buddies to kickstart her routine!

DynaPro Direct: Why should new moms prioritize fitness and working out? Why is it so important to you?

Sia Cooper: New moms should make fitness a habit for their own sanity. Before they can take care of their kids, they have got to remember to take care of themselves. This is the only way that I can function since a happy mommy equals a happy family!

DD: How do you make time for your fitness routines?

SC: The main time that I workout daily is when my daughter naps. As soon as she falls asleep, I get my workouts done. You’ve got to learn to use your free time wisely.

DD: How do you involve your kids in your workouts?

SC: Lots of ways! I like wearing my daughter in her baby carrier, and my son will copy what I do or I’ll have him hang onto my back.

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